Randa Coach Ticket Price 2024, Online Booking, Contact And Address

On this page, you will get all the information on Randa Coach transport prices, how to book tickets online, and all their Contacts in Kenya. In Kenya, if you are looking for a reliable transportation service you can count on them.

Randa Coach Ticket Price


Randa Coach Ticket Price 2024

Randa Coach Ticket price is around Ksh 1,200 to Ksh 1,000. Their transport price is not fixed, it changes based on the economic situation. The fare is based on your destination and the number of passengers you wish to carry.

Randa Coach Online Booking

Randa Coach has provided a website for its use to make online bookings. This makes it a bit different from other transport companies in the country that do not offer online Booking. Follow the steps above to access their website and make an online booking:[

  • Start by visiting their official website
  • On the home page, select your current location, your destination, and your date of travel.
  • Then tap on the search icon to find an available bus, and then select your seat, which could either be a business seat or a normal seat.
  • when you click on the seat number, you will find the left column of the screen displaying the amount to pay.
  • Then you would be asked to fill in your details; phone number, name, and email address.
  • Proceed to pay to the account number displayed on your screen.

you will your email address. The tickets will be printed out on the day of your departure at any of the Terminals.

Randa Coach Contact

You can get in touch with the Randa via the following methods to learn more, make reservations, or file complaints:

  • Phone number: +254 722 417311 (Mombasa)
  • Phone number: +254 790 485128 (Nairobi) 
  • Hotline: +254703414754
  • Address: Randa Coach Ltd Kenyatta Avenue, P. O. Box 88738-80100 Mombasa, Kenya.


Randa Coach Bus gives their customers comfort. This has influenced many Kenyans to choose them as their preferred mode of transportation. The limited legroom on many buses is one of the key problems.

To ensure that all customers are comfortable, Randa recognized this issue and capitalized on it by providing extra legroom on all of its buses.

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